Generator of a Toy Dataset of Multi-Polygon Monochrome Images for Rapidly Testing and Prototyping Semantic Image Segmentation Networks




Dataset complexity, Multi-polygon object, Semantic image segmentation, Segmentation network architecture, Toy dataset, Two-class segmentation


In the paper, the problem of building semantic image segmentation networks in a more efficient way is considered. Building a network capable of successfully segmenting real-world images does not require a real semantic image segmentation task. At this stage, called prototyping, a toy dataset can be used. Such a dataset can be artificial and thus may not need augmentation for training. Besides, its entries are images of much smaller size, which allows training and testing the network a way faster. Objects to be segmented are one or few convex polygons in one image. Thus, a toy dataset generator is created whose complexity is regulated by the number of edges in a polygon, the maximal number of polygons in one image, the set of scale factors, and the set of probabilities determining how many polygons in a current image are generated. The dataset capacity and image size are concurrently adjustable, although they are much less influential.


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How to Cite

Romanuke, V. (2019). Generator of a Toy Dataset of Multi-Polygon Monochrome Images for Rapidly Testing and Prototyping Semantic Image Segmentation Networks. Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering, 15(2), 54-61.