Determination and analysis of synchronous motor's parameters


  • Aleksandrs Mesņajevs Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia
  • Andrejs Zviedris Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia



In this work the parameters of synchronous machines are analyzed- direct-axis reaction Xad and quadrature-axis reaction Xaq. Methods of calculation in view of magnetic system's and its element's saturation are presented.It is shown that definition of these reactances, using as a basis a two-reaction method, is not correct and connected with work demanding chart analyzing calculations.The new approach to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of synchronous machine's operating modes which is based on consecutive use of the magnetic field's theory is offered, without it with two-reaction parameters Xad and Xaq. This approach is realized by means of a magnetic field's modeling using numerical methods with help of modern computers.


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How to Cite

Mesņajevs, A., & Zviedris, A. (2009). Determination and analysis of synchronous motor’s parameters. Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering, 25(25), 51-56.