Enhanced Author Experience: Introducing ECCE Journal New Homepage and Submission System!

Enhanced Author Experience: Introducing ECCE Journal New Homepage and Submission System!


Dear Respectful Author / Reviewer / Reader of ECCE Journal,

We are proud to announce the launch of the Journal of Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering new homepage and submission system https://ecce-journals.rtu.lv/!

The new system enables new and extends existing journal functions, such as monitoring the status of your manuscripts, adding files and sending messages to the editors or authors.

If you are unable to access the system using your existing credentials, please proceed to reset your password using the following link: Reset Your Password

The links to the previously published or accepted submissions will be restored automatically. However, if you have unassigned submissions or submissions without decision, which are still topical for you, please submit them again in the new system.

We look forward to collaborating with you!
Editorial Board of the Journal of Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering